

Started on 5 Days

Course summary:

In today’s business world, efficient warehouse and store management is absolutely necessary for success. In order to precisely satisfy customer demands, material must move through the supply chain in a manner that is quick, controlled, and cost-effective. The majority of businesses now recognize that a warehouse is more than just a “place to store things.” It is an essential component of the entire supply chain.

This highly interactive training course in Warehouse & Stores Management looks at the production, product, suppliers, customers, and product throughputs and volumes that go along with them. The participants will be taught how to use the utmost necessary tools for efficient store and warehouse management.

Important features:

  • It includes important issues to address during the design of the warehouse or when redesigning a new one.
  • It provides a strategic framework for providing excellent customer service.
  • It encompasses the entire warehouse operation, from the decision to build a warehouse to the day-to-day operations. including customer service and inventory management.
  • offers practical, real-world methods for real business benefits.


  • The emphasis of the seminar is on the practical, real-world implementation of modern warehouse management methods.
  • Understand the role and importance of a warehouse in the supply chain.
  • Decide on the type of storage and material handling equipment to be used.
  • Apply a time-phased ordering system, ensuring low investment and high customer service.
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of a warehouse.
  • Immediately implement a wide variety of time-tested techniques in warehousing.

TARGET Audiences

  • Supervisors and professionals in warehouse and operations who are interested in enhancing distribution and warehouse operations.
  • Professionals or supervisors in material purchasing, and inventory management who either directly control warehouse operations or must support them as part of the supply chain.
  • Through high fill rates, accurate information, and excellent order fulfillment, it will benefit all professionals and executives in the organization who oversee lowering costs, increasing productivity, increasing inventory turns, and improving customer service.

Duration 4 days

Our Methodology

The practical, knowledge transfer, skills and capability building idea serves as the foundation for this useful and results-driven curriculum. Lectures, practical/hands-on methods like role-plays, case studies, presentations, and videos will all be used to provide this course.

Practical examples and situations help individuals develop their capacities while illuminating the range of contemporary best practices. There will be plenty of time for questions, discussions, and action planning for “return to work.” Key ideas will be reinforced by the program in a motivating and interesting learning environment.

Before and after course evaluations will be performed to assess participants’ skill levels and the efficacy of the training.

Course outlines

Module 1 – The Strategic Role of a Warehouse

Introduction to Supply Chain Management

  • The elements of a Supply Chain
  • The role of Warehousing and Distribution in the Supply Chain
  • Functions of Warehousing
  • Functions of Distribution

Strategic Decisions in W&D

  • Decentralized W & D (Pull)
  • Centralized W & D (Push)

Location and size of Distribution Centers

  • Resource based
  • Customer based
  • Gravity point
  • Buffer management
  • Size of Distribution Centres
  • Effect of transport
  • Lead-time considerations

Module 2 – Warehousing Layout

Warehouse Layout

  • Dedicated
  • Random
  • Hybrid
  • Bin locations and numbering

Storage methods

  • Bulk
  • Unit handling
  • Shelving and racking

Materials handling

  • Guidelines in design of a materials handling system
  • Classification of materials handling systems
  • Mechanized systems
  • Semi-automatic systems
  • Automated systems
  • Information based systems

Module 3 – Warehousing Operations


  • Receiving
  • Inspection
  • Packing, marking and preserving
  • Documentation
  • Storage and handling


  • Discrete, zone and batch picking
  • Picking strategies
  • Picking methods

Reverse logistics

  • Return of goods from customers
  • Return of goods to suppliers
  • Handling empty containers
  • R’s of Green SCM
  • Transport Management
  • Modes of transport
  • Types of carriage
  • Transport cost elements

Module 4 – Inventory Management

ABC Analysis

  • Purpose
  • Analysis
  • Application

Part Numbers, Part Descriptions and Commodity Coding

  • Significant vs. insignificant part numbers
  • Part descriptions
  • Commodity coding

Inventory Accuracy

  • Importance of inventory accuracy
  • Effects on customer service

Inventory Recording

  • Period stock take
  • Cycle counting
  • Perpetual recording
  • Barcoding
  • RFID


  • Principles of forecasting
  • Forecasting methods
  • Min/max method
  • Periodic review

Re-ordering material

  • Min/max method
  • Periodic review

Time-phased material plans

  • The MRP matrix
  • What to order
  • When to order
  • How many to order
  • When to schedule delivery

Module 5 – Performance Management

Performance measurement of W & D operations

  • Stock turnover rate
  • Customer service
  • Cost of operations

Security and loss control

  • Access control
  • SHE

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