
Preparation of strategic plans

Started on 5 Days

Course summary:

This course on Preparation of Strategic Plans provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to create an effective and comprehensive strategic plan for their organization. It covers various topics such as conducting an environmental analysis, developing strategic goals and objectives, strategy development, resource planning, implementation planning, performance measurement and evaluation, stakeholder communication, and organizational change management. The course emphasizes the importance of aligning strategic goals and objectives with the organization’s mission and vision, as well as developing SMART objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Additionally, the course covers the necessary steps to manage organizational change, develop effective communication plans, and measure performance to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic plan.

Learning outcomes of the course:

  1. Understand the purpose and benefits of strategic planning and the key concepts and terminology associated with it.
  2. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of an organization’s internal and external environment to identify trends and drivers of change that may impact the organization in the next three years.
  3. Develop strategic goals and objectives that align with an organization’s mission and vision and are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  4. Evaluate potential strategies for achieving an organization’s goals and objectives, select the most promising ones, and develop action plans for implementing them.
  5. Develop a resource plan that outlines the financial, human, and technological resources necessary to implement the strategic plan and allocate resources to specific activities and initiatives.
  6. Develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines the activities and initiatives required to achieve an organization’s strategic goals and objectives, including timelines, milestones, and performance metrics to measure progress, and identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to address them.
  7. Develop a performance measurement plan to track progress towards achieving the organization’s strategic goals and objectives, collect and analyze data to assess performance, and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic plan and make necessary adjustments.
  8. Develop a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed of the organization’s strategic plan and progress towards achieving its goals and objectives, including messages and materials that communicate the organization’s vision, mission, and values, and identifying the most effective channels for communicating with different stakeholder groups.
  9. Develop a change management plan to ensure that the organization is prepared to implement the strategic plan, identify potential resistance to change and develop strategies to overcome it, and develop a training plan to ensure that employees are prepared to implement the new initiatives and activities.

Who should attend this course?

The following professionals would benefit from attending this course:

  1. Executives and Senior Managers
  2. Strategic Planning Managers
  3. Business Development Managers
  4. Project Managers
  5. Operations Managers
  6. Marketing and Sales Managers
  7. Financial and Budgeting Managers
  8. Human Resources Managers
  9. Consultants and Analysts
  10. Any professional involved in the strategic planning process.

Course duration:

This course can be completed in 4-6 Days,+/-  depending on your needs.

Course outlines:

  1. Overview of Strategic Planning:
  2. Introduction to the purpose and benefits of strategic planning.
  3. Key concepts and terminology related to strategic planning.
  4. Overview of the process for preparing a 3-year operational master plan.
  5. Environmental Analysis:
  6. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the organization’s internal and external environment.
  7. Identifying key trends and drivers of change that will impact the organization over the next 3 years.
  8. Analysing the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
  9. Strategic Goals and Objectives:
  10. Developing strategic goals and objectives that align with the organization’s mission and vision.
  11. Identifying specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives.
  12. Prioritizing objectives based on their importance and potential impact on the organization.
  13. Strategy Development:
  14. Developing and evaluating potential strategies for achieving the organization’s goals and objectives.
  15. Selecting the most promising strategies based on their feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with the organization’s values.
  16. Developing action plans to implement the selected strategies.
  17. Resource Planning:
  18. Developing a resource plan that outlines the resources necessary to implement the strategic plan.
  19. Identifying the financial, human, and technological resources required.
  20. Developing a budget and allocating resources to specific activities and initiatives.
  21. Implementation Planning:
  22. Developing a detailed implementation plan that outlines the activities and initiatives required to achieve the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
  23. Developing timelines, milestones, and performance metrics to measure progress.
  24. Identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans to address them.
  25. Performance Measurement and Evaluation:
  26. Developing a performance measurement plan to track progress towards achieving the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
  27. Collecting and analysing data to assess performance and identify areas for improvement.
  28. Evaluating the effectiveness of the strategic plan and making necessary adjustments.
  29. Stakeholder Communication:
  30. Developing a communication plan to keep stakeholders informed of the organization’s strategic plan and progress towards achieving its goals and objectives.
  31. Developing messages and materials that communicate the organization’s vision, mission, and values.
  32. Identifying the most effective channels for communicating with different stakeholder groups.
  33. Organizational Change Management:
  34. Developing a change management plan to ensure that the organization is prepared to implement the strategic plan.
  35. Identifying potential resistance to change and developing strategies to overcome it.
  36. Developing a training plan to ensure that employees are prepared to implement the new initiatives and activities.

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